Skullcandy titans. In ear. They have great sound and are not overly expensive. They are normally 30-40 but you can find them for 20 on amazon. They usually last me a year and a half to two years and I use them daily at work in a machine shop.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Bose gets by on their name. They're the biggest name in lower priced headphones that ain't hitting the $500-$1,000 mark because they're obviously way better than $20 Skullcandys, but there's much better in the same price range by brands that don't have as much hype, but have way more sound. I have an expensive ass set-up for my lil home studio between my monitors and my subwoofer, and I know good sound when I hear it. Bose will sound amazing to you if you're used to $20 shit, but when all you're used to is amazing sound, they're average. The Klipsch, however, will blow your mind either way, especially when you consider their price, they're only $60-$80 depending on where you buy 'em from. You're gonna hear shit in music you never heard before, bass lines in detail, cymbals sizzling, little background vocal ad-libs, all these small ass details you didn't even know existed.
Beats just get by because of their style. I didn't care for bose in ear and dont think sthey sound any better than the titans i have. but I will definitely check out the klipsch ones you mentioned erik. I haven't tried them yet
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
This is where I found mine.