Also, since my hair is growing in nicely now, Im'ma prolly do this cut when it gets longer. Since my hair is curly when it's long, I could prolly rock this real nicely.
Honestly doe, I can't really figure what you'd look like with that kind of hair. Definitely try it out, but I think the buzzed look might be what suits you best.
Honestly doe, I can't really figure what you'd look like with that kind of hair. Definitely try it out, but I think the buzzed look might be what suits you best.
I thought that too, but as my hair grows out on the top, (The sides are faded.) I believe it looks better longer. Not long like it WAS, but longer than a buzz. Plus, while my forehead doesn't bother me, from what I've seen, longer hair suits big foreheads better. For instance, Jesse Pinkman on Breaking Bad has the most massive forehead I ever seen, but when he had a fauxhawk-ish cut, he was dat PMF, but then he buzzed it and looked like an alien lol.
Cant tell you how many times ive heard that. He bounced, swatted it so easily and then they were trying to say i hit his partners bexause they shot at the same time.. No
Honestly doe, I can't really figure what you'd look like with that kind of hair. Definitely try it out, but I think the buzzed look might be what suits you best.
I remember watching the shorts before they got big on MTV. They were halarious! Then kids started setting shit on fire and what not, then they started to edit past episodes.
The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.
Do I need to repost literally any of the pictures you've posted of yourself?
I thought that too, but as my hair grows out on the top, (The sides are faded.) I believe it looks better longer. Not long like it WAS, but longer than a buzz. Plus, while my forehead doesn't bother me, from what I've seen, longer hair suits big foreheads better. For instance, Jesse Pinkman on Breaking Bad has the most massive forehead I ever seen, but when he had a fauxhawk-ish cut, he was dat PMF, but then he buzzed it and looked like an alien lol.
Bounced twice in a row
Nigga must have never had a good bouncer.
When I was younger I never liked the commentary of them talking about music videos. But now its my favorite parts of the episodes
Thats one that comes to mind.
GOAT right here.
Then kids started setting shit on fire and what not, then they started to edit past episodes.