Finally home from the hospital. Jaw has to be wired shut for another 2 - 3 weeks. Not in much pain anymore. This full liquid diet is kicking my ass though.
Holey shit man you really got hit hard didn't you? Wired shut!? Far out! I feel sorry for you man. One way to lose weight if you were wanting to! What's the first thing you're going to eat when you can? A good steak?
I met him years ago and he was a whiny prick anyway. he sat near the merch stand and complained about how an extra person shouldnt be on their gueat list for like ten minutes. glad hes in shitty cg now
I met him years ago and he was a whiny prick anyway. he sat near the merch stand and complained about how an extra person shouldnt be on their gueat list for like ten minutes. glad hes in shitty cg now
They're all fags
Entitled suburbancore reigns supreme
i can't remember the last time i heard the word "rewind" ) will kids in the future even know that word since we don't rewind things anymore and therefore don't really use the word?
I met him years ago and he was a whiny prick anyway. he sat near the merch stand and complained about how an extra person shouldnt be on their gueat list for like ten minutes. glad hes in shitty cg now
Is he the guiatarist that people think is "liek sooo good!"?. Some kids at school were trying to tell me how great of a guitarist he was or something.
Im like, I dont care how "good" of a guitarist he's considered to be. He plays in shit bands and writes shit music.
I met him years ago and he was a whiny prick anyway. he sat near the merch stand and complained about how an extra person shouldnt be on their gueat list for like ten minutes. glad hes in shitty cg now
Is he the guiatarist that people think is "liek sooo good!"?. Some kids at school were trying to tell me how great of a guitarist he was or something.
Im like, I dont care how "good" of a guitarist he's considered to be. He plays in shit bands and writes shit music.
thats lee
and nah boo is sweet. youve all got too much shitty maiden in your ears :-@<
Born of osiris the discovery is an excellent cd. The rest are questionable but that cd stands out. I've probably listened to that as much as I have ritual from that year.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Finally home from the hospital. Jaw has to be wired shut for another 2 - 3 weeks. Not in much pain anymore. This full liquid diet is kicking my ass though.
Holey shit man you really got hit hard didn't you? Wired shut!? Far out! I feel sorry for you man. One way to lose weight if you were wanting to! What's the first thing you're going to eat when you can? A good steak?
Well we were going about 60 when we slammed into the other car. I go to the doctor on Friday to find out whether or not my wrist is healing properly after the surgery. The right side of my face is still swollen too. Might have to have another surgery to put another plate right above my eye.
The first meal I plan on eating is grilled chicken marinated in Italian dressing, pan fried potatoes and onions, and stuffed tomatoes
I met him years ago and he was a whiny prick anyway. he sat near the merch stand and complained about how an extra person shouldnt be on their gueat list for like ten minutes. glad hes in shitty cg now
Entitled suburbancore reigns supreme
*rewinds DVR*
Im like, I dont care how "good" of a guitarist he's considered to be. He plays in shit bands and writes shit music.
and nah boo is sweet. youve all got too much shitty maiden in your ears :-@<
The first meal I plan on eating is grilled chicken marinated in Italian dressing, pan fried potatoes and onions, and stuffed tomatoes