i've read that the faceless new album is really good. anyone heard it?
Depends on who you ask. A lot of people think The Faceless are one of the better modern prog/tech death bands out there right now. I think theyre stupid circus wank BTBAM Jr bullshit.
my friends and I are house/apartment hunting for August, and I came across a place we're now leaning towards. rent would only come out to about $350/mo and we wouldn't have to worry about neighbors in close quarters.
only thing is it looks like a drop house and/or meth lab
i've read that the faceless new album is really good. anyone heard it?
Depends on who you ask. A lot of people think The Faceless are one of the better modern prog/tech death bands out there right now. I think theyre stupid circus wank BTBAM Jr bullshit.
only thing is it looks like a drop house and/or meth lab
Just going to put this out there.... Being an old meth house might not be such a bad thing. You probably wont have much trouble building up a clientele if you did decide you wanted to open up your own lab. One thing to note about Tweekers, they arent the brightest bunch of people and will probably keep showing up at your door for a score.
My house was a methlab before I got it. There was a fart fan in the middle of one of the rooms to get rid of the fumes
See.. this is what im talking about. Satan is hooked up if he ever decides to open his own lab. I was reading this story about this guy who was clearing a million dollars a year being a mid level meth dealer. Imagine if you are manufacturing.
We're like.....umm sorry...you're what!?
We're liars.
10 seconds later....oh I get it....you're Lawyers!
Their pronunciation was weird!
October 14 - between the buried and me with the faceless.
November 3- august burns red with blessthefall
Can't wait till we hit the road \m/
only thing is it looks like a drop house and/or meth lab