can't login to spotify. i use facebook to login to spotify and im logged in on facebook right now but it's not logging me in and it's not giving me an option to click "login with facebook". anyone else ever have that problem? it wants my email and password to sign in but i dont have a password for spotify since i use facebook and my facebook password doesn't work when trying to sign in to spotify
nevermind. forgot i changed my facebook password the other day )
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Oh. my mistake Sorry Gnomez...could of swore you said you were from Australia or lived there. I HAVE AN EXCUSE! I had a brain hemmorage a few years ago..memory isn't the greatest...Hurry up with all your SHOULD OF DIED blah blah blah jokes..I Lived Niggas!
Oh. my mistake Sorry Gnomez...could of swore you said you were from Australia or lived there. I HAVE AN EXCUSE! I had a brain hemmorage a few years ago..memory isn't the greatest...Hurry up with all your SHOULD OF DIED blah blah blah jokes..I Lived Niggas!
it's still the butt of the earth so new zealand and australia are basically the same thing
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Jesus christ Gary shut up. Your insults are worse than your football knowledge. I know you're like 40 but you sound like what Hank Hill would sound like trying to shit talk.
i think i like it more then Deflorate
my mistake
Sorry Gnomez...could of swore you said you were from Australia or lived there. I HAVE AN EXCUSE! I had a brain hemmorage a few years ago..memory isn't the greatest...Hurry up with all your SHOULD OF DIED blah blah blah jokes..I Lived Niggas!
Can't even pronounce it without sounding like I'm having a seziure