mine was a dark-skinned nubian princess back in the day. she said she wouldn't date me cuz i was white and social pressures at the time made that a pretty big obstacle. we stayed in touch for a minute, but it had been about 15 years since i'd seen her. i kinda felt bad after i found her
Welcome to Colorado. My buddy is in the Air Force and is based in Texas and he visited here in April because he thought it'd be warm by then. His suitcase had nothing but shorts and t shirts in it. It snowed like 11 inches while he was here )
Bill's selling more Mastodon stuff on ebay. They just posted a link on their facebook page
yeah. it's been going on for months now
i've seen a few clients that were working musicians. a couple of them had big hits, but their income is getting killed by file-sharing and they have to tour constantly to make ends meet. one couple i met with...the husband was the bass player for a popular 80's r&b group and the wife was a backup singer. they only made an average of $300 a month unless they were on tour. he was picking up random live jazz gigs with friends for $50-150 a pop.
Wahhhhh the dude gets to play music for a fucking living. Ill cry for people who have been going to the same shitty job for 30 years
I need to be doing my first assignment for my online class...School Publications and Productions. First assignment is a 3-5 paragraph autobiography of why I want to be a teacher and what I plan to do after I graduate college. Super easy, but I've written this so many freaking times that I'm sick of rewriting it. I can't just copy and paste either because all of my assignments are submitted to the same place...fuuuuuuu
Call them Jandals or gtfo