Anybody know who MF Doom is and how he does his live shows? This dude is fucking retarded. Idk everything I'm reading is a couple years old so maybe he changed.
MF Doom is NY rapper, he goes by a lot of monikers. He's probably one of the most influental underground rappers out there. I don't really know what you've read that makes you say that, but from what I've seen he just does live shows with his mask on.
He would claim that he is a writer and MF is a character, so he can send whoever he wants to live shows to be MF. Basically he's lazy and would send other guys to shows to wear a mask and dance to his music.
Only heard a couple songs, I could dig it. But yeah I don't even know why I bothered to read everything I did. From what I got he did it at least three times. Once was during a string of dates with Mos Def, and after the first date Mos Def dropped off saying he didn't want people to think he was involved. Then another time the fake came out and then a minute later he did.
oh Cracked you are a fountain of endless knowledge. Who knew this existed?!
He is disgusting, and I more so laugh AT him. I'm familiar wit him, that's not the first time I seen him, nor that particular video.
Meh, oh well :-??