The room I'm renting out here only has an empty closet. It's actually almost identical to the dorms on campus, but there's carpet and it's two floors. I have a storage place back at my house and I was considering buying one, but this room won't even allow for something of that size tbh.
I'm just going to leave them as such for the next two weeks until I move out and go from there.
The worst part is that the one my dad has back at home is a goddamn eyesore. You'd think vintage cabinets would look cool, but no. Not this one. It looks like they couldn't choose between a fine china cabinet and an entertainment center, then used the ugliest finish possible.
hopefully. They have her bumper and plate number. only problem is that the plate on her suv didn't match. so she had another cars plate on her car and probably no insurance. here's what I wrote for my report
On Sunday, April 21st at approximately 9:00am, I was heading northbound on Schoenherr and ended up being stopped by a red light at Schoenherr and Hall RD. After the light turned green, I proceeded to continue heading north. I was just about to make it through the intersection when I noticed out of the corner of my eye was someone turning on to Shoenherr from Hall RD. also heading northbound. I figured they were getting into the right lane since my car was occupying the center lane and thought nothing of it. Less than a second later I realized this person was about smash into the side of me and I blared my horn and tried to swerve into the left lane to avoid being hit. The person ended up smashing into my right side rear door and passenger door. I was stunned but noticed she was now on my left hand side ahead of me a little. I drove my car up next to hers so our windows were parallel with each others and made eye contact with her. I signaled with my hand to go to the right side of Schoenherr where there is a plaza where I figured would be a good spot for us to both exam the damage of our cars and exchange information. I believe I even mouthed “pull over” to her as I pointed with my thumb to head over to the plaza. Believing she was going to follow me, I made sure no traffic was coming and proceeded to get into the middle lane to make my way over to the plaza. I looked over to make sure the woman was following me and noticed she was fleeing and heading toward the U-turn. Realizing this, I decided to follow her and at least try to get her license plate so I could give it to the police. She raced around the U-turn and made a right into the area where there is a taco bell, target, and other shops. It was then that I realized that she was not just heading that way to pull over, but was in fact fleeing and trying to get away from me. She proceeded to race through the parking area and made a left to head back towards Hall Rd. I continued to follow her and was only able to finally catch up to her and get her license plate number because of the traffic heading West on Hall RD. She stopped for a few seconds and then pulled out onto Hall RD. getting into another U-turn. I followed her into the U-turn but realized that this was getting too dangerous and decided to back off as I saw her race away and turn right into the plaza where American Home Fitness is located. As I made my way around to get back onto Schoenherr, I drove past where the accident occurred and saw that her bumper was laying in the road. I made my way to 21 Mile RD and pulled over in a subdivision to call 911 and examine my car. The license plate number was CPC 1422. The driver was a black female who appeared to be in her early 30's. The car was a greyish jeep that seemed to be an 06, give or take a couple years. The only physical damage I am experiencing from the accident is a stiffness in the lower and middle part of my back currently.
>black woman hit my passenger side >luckily I saw her coming and swerved into the left lane as she was about to slam into me >signaled for her to pull over in a parking lot > she raced off and I followed her til I got her license plate
wordz mothafukkerz
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Need more flannels
The room I'm renting out here only has an empty closet. It's actually almost identical to the dorms on campus, but there's carpet and it's two floors. I have a storage place back at my house and I was considering buying one, but this room won't even allow for something of that size tbh.
I'm just going to leave them as such for the next two weeks until I move out and go from there.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)