Another problem with the industry is that legal downloads are like the same price as a new CD. If downloads had more reasonable pricing I may consider paying for them more often.
A local band had a 10 minute demo/ep on bandcamp for 1 dollar. I have no problem with giving them the dollar for it and its one of the few times I've paid for a download.
I don't think labels/bands should charge more than 5 dollars for a full album download. People who want the CD will still shell out the 10 bucks, plus then others may decide to pay for the download. They act as though having albums up for download is a convenient option when really charging 9-10 dollars to download a 10-12 dollar cd is pretty much a joke.
The thing I love about it is, if its a new band that you haven't heard of before you can put $0 or some small amount of money and "try the album out". I mean its available for free streaming in most cases, but still.
Then you can pay the bands you REALLY like whatever you want, often times paying more than they would have charged and DEFINITELY paying more than if you illegally downloaded it off another site. Plus, the bandcamp is owned buy the band, so THEY are LEGALLY putting it out for you. Its a win on both sides.
I like the "$x or more" option too, so if you really HAVE to charge for a release you can, and people can listen for free through stream or pay the small amount to download. But bigger fans will pay more than the minimum too.
Really thought I was about to get pulled over doing 80mph in a 55mph area on the highway with a state trooper coming the other way in the opposite lane. There was a break in the highway where he could have turned around.... but he didn't #:-S
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Also legal, not that anyone cares but me.
A local band had a 10 minute demo/ep on bandcamp for 1 dollar. I have no problem with giving them the dollar for it and its one of the few times I've paid for a download.
I don't think labels/bands should charge more than 5 dollars for a full album download. People who want the CD will still shell out the 10 bucks, plus then others may decide to pay for the download. They act as though having albums up for download is a convenient option when really charging 9-10 dollars to download a 10-12 dollar cd is pretty much a joke.
Also, TBDM actually make a living off of their music. They're lucky enough to even be well known, yet alone not having to have jobs on the side.
But its ok guys, they're not "rich", so its ok to bitch. Fags
Then you can pay the bands you REALLY like whatever you want, often times paying more than they would have charged and DEFINITELY paying more than if you illegally downloaded it off another site. Plus, the bandcamp is owned buy the band, so THEY are LEGALLY putting it out for you. Its a win on both sides.
I like the "$x or more" option too, so if you really HAVE to charge for a release you can, and people can listen for free through stream or pay the small amount to download. But bigger fans will pay more than the minimum too.
>Can't continue making records.
>Never sold a record in my life.
>Keep making Music and records out of my own pockets.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)