I can handle most of their faggotry, but this made me rage.
http://www.rockstarmayhemfest.com/mayhem/boards.asp?xid=24303&forum=0&topic=1769461For anyone who doesnt wanna read. Someone called Machine Head the new thrash band. Someone pointed out Machine Head is in no way new. Someone responded "But they are basically new. Name a thrash band that came out after Machine Head"
I want to punch a baby after reading this.
Skeletonwitch and Evile are the only good bands you named and only evile is athrash band. Skeletonwitch is melodic death metal retard. and as for the other bands, they all suck. BFMV blows hardcore, how am I emo when I dont listen to BFMV? my favorite bands are Cannibal Corpse, Bloodbath, and decapitated so you can shut the fuck up you dumbass. Machine Head isnt a new band but most of theyre old stuff is pretty gay like supercharger. The blackening is one of the best albums of all time and its theyre only album where almost all of it is actually thrash with the exception of Now I lay Thee Down and A Farewell To Arms.