yes the middle class is getting fucked right now, but if you compare what we go thru on a daily basis with someone from Armenia, we have it pretty good
Technically we do have it better but we're greedy, we don't give a shit, and we do best at complaining.
and this
people make it seem like it's so bad here. Maybe they should go to a third world country and rethink their opinion. It's those stupid angsty teenagers who have lived here their whole lives and think that because the economy is crap which makes their parents not be able to buy them a car means the whole country is shit. It's sad that there are so many people here that complain so much and are so spoiled but this is a great country and honestly they have no clue what they're talking about. If they tried to live their normal lives in another country in Africa or the middle east or some places in Europe, they would never survive
yes the middle class is getting fucked right now, but if you compare what we go thru on a daily basis with someone from Armenia, we have it pretty good
Technically we do have it better but we're greedy, we don't give a shit, and we do best at complaining.
and this
people make it seem like it's so bad here. Maybe they should go to a third world country and rethink their opinion. It's those stupid angsty teenagers who have lived here their whole lives and think that because the economy is crap which makes their parents not be able to buy them a car means the whole country is shit. It's sad that there are so many people here that complain so much and are so spoiled but this is a great country and honestly they have no clue what they're talking about. If they tried to live their normal lives in another country in Africa or the middle east or some places in Europe, they would never survive
its this approach that will make our country continue to fail....well yeah duh we have it better than third world countries....still doesn't make our country great.....theres a lot of fucked up shit people dont know about....IMO we need revolution on congress....they rob us....ex: giving the banks all that money so they could send there executives on vacations and give them bonuses....and look at our sec. of did he get his extremely fucking up his old job thats how
i stand by it. if there was no ozzy, there would have been no Black Sabbath, which means there would have been no metal. Ozzy is greater than all
No, If there was no Tony Iommi, there would have been no Black Sabbath. Even if Sabbath didn't exist at all to this day...A little band named Led Zeppelin was there that was just as heavy, if not heavier then Sabbath.
"No, If there was no Tony Iommi, there would have been no Black Sabbath. Even if Sabbath didn't exist at all to this day...A little band named Led Zeppelin was there that was just as heavy, if not heavier then Sabbath"
yes i agree if it wasn't for the combination of ozzy, tony, geezer and bill there would not have been Black Sabbath.
As far as Led Zep, they are the best hard rock band of all time. Black Sabbath, took what they had, along with an influence from the who and the stones, made it darker and heavier, and thats what formed metal. Take the song Black Sabbath, and name one Led Zep song that is wont be able to. Black Sabbath set the bar for metal. If Led Zep did, hair metal would be metal.
Ozzy is a joke and always will be. The only reason he has become something is due to the people he has been. Iommi sky rocket him to fame. It was the "devils note" aka Iommi that made Sabbath heavy and dark. Not some nut that can't sing. Then he went solo and got Rhodes who also made his solo work great. No one remembers Crazy Train for it's lyrics. They remember it for its riff aka Rhodes. Then Zack came in and did the same. Ozzy is a fucking joke and it's not hard to see. Dio>Ozzy
Ozzy is a joke and always will be. The only reason he has become something is due to the people he has been. Iommi sky rocket him to fame. It was the "devils note" aka Iommi that made Sabbath heavy and dark. Not some nut that can't sing. Then he went solo and got Rhodes who also made his solo work great. No one remembers Crazy Train for it's lyrics. They remember it for its riff aka Rhodes. Then Zack came in and did the same. Ozzy is a fucking joke and it's not hard to see. Dio>Ozzy
Marc, you sir are an idiot. First of all, tell me why Ozzy is and has been more successful than Iommi. Second, it's spelled Rhoads and I personally remember all the lyrics from both of Randy's studio albums not just the riffs. Third, Zakk is now the fucking joke. Without Ozzy metal today would not be the same. Any fool with two eyes can see that. You don't have to be a fan to see the truth.
*the idiot comment was not meant to insult or cause asshurt LOL*
When Zack came in to the mix Ozzy's albums and Ozzy went downhill. Nothing stuck out when Zack was with him. Same will happen with Gus. The true colors of Ozzy are showing.
Sabbath is Awesome. He will never be like that again.
people make it seem like it's so bad here. Maybe they should go to a third world country and rethink their opinion. It's those stupid angsty teenagers who have lived here their whole lives and think that because the economy is crap which makes their parents not be able to buy them a car means the whole country is shit. It's sad that there are so many people here that complain so much and are so spoiled but this is a great country and honestly they have no clue what they're talking about. If they tried to live their normal lives in another country in Africa or the middle east or some places in Europe, they would never survive
Wholeheartedly agree. SOAD ain't greater than the shit I scrape off my boots. They suck.
its this approach that will make our country continue to fail....well yeah duh we have it better than third world countries....still doesn't make our country great.....theres a lot of fucked up shit people dont know about....IMO we need revolution on congress....they rob us....ex: giving the banks all that money so they could send there executives on vacations and give them bonuses....and look at our sec. of did he get his extremely fucking up his old job thats how
yes i agree if it wasn't for the combination of ozzy, tony, geezer and bill there would not have been Black Sabbath.
As far as Led Zep, they are the best hard rock band of all time. Black Sabbath, took what they had, along with an influence from the who and the stones, made it darker and heavier, and thats what formed metal. Take the song Black Sabbath, and name one Led Zep song that is wont be able to. Black Sabbath set the bar for metal. If Led Zep did, hair metal would be metal.
*the idiot comment was not meant to insult or cause asshurt LOL*
When Zack came in to the mix Ozzy's albums and Ozzy went downhill. Nothing stuck out when Zack was with him. Same will happen with Gus. The true colors of Ozzy are showing.