I thought Wake confirmed on the last page or 2 pages ago that she is not on the street and Marc was posting the way he was to pass time before the doctor.
She left the house like a stupid and I went after her. No I don't want her to get hurt and all that other bullshit. She has been here the whole time and I am surprised I was not thrown in jail cause of the stupid scene she made. I had one dude ready to call the cops on me, cause he thought I was trying to do something <_>
Oh and he found out from Ellie, cause she wanted to know how to get in contact with Leah and I told her she was here. Leah hasn't been on here lately cause the dumb ass slammed her phone against the street <___>
I have a bone spur I believe in my left hand and it hurts like hell but I don't wanna go to the hospital or get it cut out. I really REALLY don't want to miss time off of work.
I thought Wake confirmed on the last page or 2 pages ago that she is not on the street and Marc was posting the way he was to pass time before the doctor.
She left the house like a stupid and I went after her. No I don't want her to get hurt and all that other bullshit. She has been here the whole time and I am surprised I was not thrown in jail cause of the stupid scene she made. I had one dude ready to call the cops on me, cause he thought I was trying to do something <_>
Oh and he found out from Ellie, cause she wanted to know how to get in contact with Leah and I told her she was here. Leah hasn't been on here lately cause the dumb ass slammed her phone against the street <___>
Leg hurts too much to walk around. Hand hurts too much to crutch. Too damn stubborn to just suck it up and get the shit cut out of my hand because the sight of stitches makes me wanna pass out and the feeling of a doc digging into my hand while I'm awake makes me want to throw up.
Today was my first day of classes, and my Intro to Theatre teacher was kind of hard of hearing, and the ENTIRE class period, these fucking douchebags in the back talked about him and made fun of him. Shit like that just pisses me off soooo much.
Holy fucking hell. The people in the apartment above me are fucking loud as shit. Ugh.
That's why I love my apartment complex. The only time there's an upstairs is if you choose to have one in your own place. The new apartment we're going to, we're on the end instead of the middle and the bedroom is on the end so I don't have to worry about hearing the mom yell at the kid to go to bed.
Today was my first day of classes, and my Intro to Theatre teacher was kind of hard of hearing, and the ENTIRE class period, these fucking douchebags in the back talked about him and made fun of him. Shit like that just pisses me off soooo much.
I hate people like that. I flipped on a guy for that shit last semester.
Holy fucking hell. The people in the apartment above me are fucking loud as shit. Ugh.
That's why I love my apartment complex. The only time there's an upstairs is if you choose to have one in your own place. The new apartment we're going to, we're on the end instead of the middle and the bedroom is on the end so I don't have to worry about hearing the mom yell at the kid to go to bed.
They're campus apartments, so not much choice there. Also, it's a party school.
Today was my first day of classes, and my Intro to Theatre teacher was kind of hard of hearing, and the ENTIRE class period, these fucking douchebags in the back talked about him and made fun of him. Shit like that just pisses me off soooo much.
I hate people like that. I flipped on a guy for that shit last semester.
It's something I can't really tolerate, so I hope it was a one time thing. If not...
Just like stupid fucking people making fun of nice teachers.
The first day in my English class this year, our teacher seemed really laid back and whatever, and this stupid fucking wigger is sitting in the back laughing with his friend and saying the guy looks like a pedophile.
Today was my first day of classes, and my Intro to Theatre teacher was kind of hard of hearing, and the ENTIRE class period, these fucking douchebags in the back talked about him and made fun of him. Shit like that just pisses me off soooo much.
I hate people like that. I flipped on a guy for that shit last semester.
It's something I can't really tolerate, so I hope it was a one time thing. If not...
Good luck. Sadly, people are horrible. The guy I flipped in kept talking in class and watching porn on silent. It was in a giant lecture hall, but still, that shit don't fly. You paid for the class...fucking pay attention or dont show the fuck up.
She left the house like a stupid and I went after her. No I don't want her to get hurt and all that other bullshit. She has been here the whole time and I am surprised I was not thrown in jail cause of the stupid scene she made. I had one dude ready to call the cops on me, cause he thought I was trying to do something <_>
Oh and he found out from Ellie, cause she wanted to know how to get in contact with Leah and I told her she was here. Leah hasn't been on here lately cause the dumb ass slammed her phone against the street <___>
Guess I have to drop weight training class
Today was my first day of classes, and my Intro to Theatre teacher was kind of hard of hearing, and the ENTIRE class period, these fucking douchebags in the back talked about him and made fun of him. Shit like that just pisses me off soooo much.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
The first day in my English class this year, our teacher seemed really laid back and whatever, and this stupid fucking wigger is sitting in the back laughing with his friend and saying the guy looks like a pedophile.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)