Also when cats clean themselves and you can fucking hear it...sounds like fucking stuffed up nose, extra saliva and fucking gaging. Irritates the fuck outta me and is disgusting
Also when cats clean themselves and you can fucking hear it...sounds like fucking stuffed up nose, extra saliva and fucking gaging. Irritates the fuck outta me and is disgusting
It could be worse....they could be going "oh yeah oh yeah ooooh that's it yeah baby" as they were licking themselves/dining at the Y
Tesseract's previous singer, Dan, has left the band, and they replaced them with this guy, Elliot Miller, previously of Sky Eats Airplane. An official statement is coming this tuesday. This sucks. Elliot isn't bad, but he doesn't really fit.
-June 10th, check out book -Book due July 7th -Website is derpin on July 13th-15th but I renew it -Check on the books status, the website says I never renewed it and now it is up to $35
Now that I feel really pisses me off that I could take a decent walk because I started to feel like I was gonna pass out. My fault too but still...i needed a decent walk not a half assed hardly went anywhere walk
Also when cats clean themselves and you can fucking hear it...sounds like fucking stuffed up nose, extra saliva and fucking gaging. Irritates the fuck outta me and is disgusting
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
At least It'll last me another couple months
Sellout Boxxy is a sellout [-( =((
Tesseract's previous singer, Dan, has left the band, and they replaced them with this guy, Elliot Miller, previously of Sky Eats Airplane. An official statement is coming this tuesday. This sucks. Elliot isn't bad, but he doesn't really fit.
-June 10th, check out book
-Book due July 7th
-Website is derpin on July 13th-15th but I renew it
-Check on the books status, the website says I never renewed it and now it is up to $35