Idk what to say about the rest of it. Everyone will believe what they want to. I could say no sex happened and he just wanted it to, doesn't mean you will believe me. This is an internet forum and people will always have a choice to believe what they want out of a persons posts. Some of it was true, some of it wasn't because I'm a bitch like that when pushed too far. Will you ever know what's truth snd what's bullshit? Probably not but maybe some will.
It's whatever. Continue along with the rest of today's barely there faggotry since this place isn't much for activity anymore lol....And my fucking eyes will not stop burning :-(
Everyone is now on the topic of Marshmallows and smores. That's better then anyone's relstionship bullshit. I just went on a rant because I have had all that shit bottled up for quite some time. Marc laughed at all of it anyway <_>
im confused still so here are two things 1. if youre still together....hope is lost forever for you as a logical person in general 2. if youre not..good, its over, he obviously doesnt care so why do you?
im confused still so here are two things 1. if youre still together....hope is lost forever for you as a logical person in general 2. if youre not..good, its over, he obviously doesnt care so why do you?
As far as I know, we aren't together And two once I truely love a person I never stop caring for them. It's how I am and always have been
Idk what to say about the rest of it. Everyone will believe what they want to. I could say no sex happened and he just wanted it to, doesn't mean you will believe me. This is an internet forum and people will always have a choice to believe what they want out of a persons posts. Some of it was true, some of it wasn't because I'm a bitch like that when pushed too far. Will you ever know what's truth snd what's bullshit? Probably not but maybe some will.
It's whatever. Continue along with the rest of today's barely there faggotry since this place isn't much for activity anymore lol....And my fucking eyes will not stop burning :-(
1. if youre still together....hope is lost forever for you as a logical person in general
2. if youre not..good, its over, he obviously doesnt care so why do you?
And two once I truely love a person I never stop caring for them. It's how I am and always have been
Plus froot loops are my favorite cereal.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)