MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
It's not difficult for me, I just hate how long it takes to write out every single step. Plus my professor thinks it won't take long because there are only 10 questions, but there are 3-8 problems for each question.
shes an older woman who escaped from an institution with a disease that makes her look young and seduces the husbands of the couples who adopt her and then kills the family
Tosh already ruined it for everybody on one episode
shes an older woman who escaped from an institution with a disease that makes her look young and seduces the husbands of the couples who adopt her and then kills the family
Tosh already ruined it for everybody on one episode
shes an older woman who escaped from an institution with a disease that makes her look young and seduces the husbands of the couples who adopt her and then kills the family
Tosh already ruined it for everybody on one episode
yeah, if you watch Tosh
If you dont watch Tosh then you're a flaming faggot. Pretty much.
I find it easier because its pretty black and white as opposed to things like writing which are subjective
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Calculus :X