San Andreas. I'm almost done with the Los Santos string, and I can't beat the Reuniting The Families mission, which is the final mission in order to get to The Badlands.
You're actually playing the game?
Dude just start fires. When the Fire Dept. comes, steal the truck and use it to run over hookers.
Lol I've never beaten a GTA game. Mainly 'cause when they first came out, I was 5-9 (For III, VC, and SA.) and I didn't have the patience or skill to beat a 40+ hour game, so I would just use cheats for hours and kill everything, but I actually want to beat them this time. Still gotta get IV again and beat it.
San Andreas is my favorite game of all time. Ive beaten it 6 times, and I actually pulled out the Ps3 to play it again like a week ago. Who knows how many hours ive dropped into it. The only games that come close to it as far as hours played are Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Battlefield Bad Company 2
People in this house let dished sit for days or weeks. I washed dishes today and I hade to clean chuncks of meatloaf out of the stone whatever, a chunk of nasty ass mashed potatoes still the the container, ect. I couldn't even clean the pan/spoon that had mac n cheese in it because it just sat in the air for about 3 days. Uhm, you're supposed to put water in it so it doesn't get rock hard and impossible to get off when you clean it if you're not going to clean it when you're done. Fuckin' a dude
Ew. I think if there was room to put a dishwasher in this house it would be in here. I was always taught that when you're done with a dish, wash it or put water in it and put it in the sink. Everyone just sets dishes, cups, ect. in the sink with no water. So shit just gets caked onto everything and it's disgusting
dunk some pop tarts in water :-bd oh and Salem cigarettes help with cottonmouth for some reason but that is short lived once you're done smoking a cigarette.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Not being able to eat anything until Friday because there's no fucking money left. There's onky hamburger helper and thinking about eating that makes my stomach turn because of the fake ass taste and nasty hambuger meat :0&
oh and Salem cigarettes help with cottonmouth for some reason but that is short lived once you're done smoking a cigarette.
and ill try the cigarettes, im out so i gota get a pack later.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)