LMAO. I have pretty bad acid reflux and caffeine is an acid trigger.
This is interesting. I have only had one pepsi over the last three weeks. I too get bad heartburn I always thought it was the hot sauce and spicy foods I ate turns out that I haven't had heartburn except the one day I had the pepsi and have been continuing to eat a lot of spicy foods and hot sauce on foods.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Only thing that doesn't hurt on me is my left leg so Shane smacks it and says, "How about now?" Fucker. Then when I say I wanna go to doc if I can't sleep he says, "We'll go get ice cream later". Really? Ice cream is gonna fix it?
LMAO. I have pretty bad acid reflux and caffeine is an acid trigger.
This is interesting. I have only had one pepsi over the last three weeks. I too get bad heartburn I always thought it was the hot sauce and spicy foods I ate turns out that I haven't had heartburn except the one day I had the pepsi and have been continuing to eat a lot of spicy foods and hot sauce on foods.
There are a lot of things I was surprised to learn that were acid triggers.
LMAO. I have pretty bad acid reflux and caffeine is an acid trigger.
I have a similar problem called Ademo Virus. Its not contagious but no Fast Food, Soda, or too much food. Its like acid reflux that eats your stomach lining :-| It sucks but im on meds now so Dr.Pepper and Burger King WOOHOO. On the plus side last summer because of it i lost 30lbs in a month.
I've been lost in endless seas
My heart died long ago
I curse my failures as I fall from you
Having shit for energy. I just fucking woke up and I have a headache. I feel like shit and I don't want to eat anything. I wish I had my own room with a lock on it too
gracias muchacho