Why the fuck is it bothering everyone so much? <_> It's Chris Jericho dancing.... People bitch too much. Goddamn yo, smoke some weed and chill out about such unimportant shit.
Why the fuck is it bothering everyone so much? <_> It's Chris Jericho dancing.... People bitch too much. Goddamn yo, smoke some weed and chill out about such unimportant shit.
Why? Because for me it's just a big, blank, white void
it didnt rain for mad long, then as soon as I gotta go back to work it rains every fucking day, then watch, i'll be at work in a month or 2 praying for a day off and it wont rain <_>
He wanted woken up at around 8:15...I think this was my 10th or 11th time trying...he just mumbled that he isn't waking up. And I would but that's a no go...I'll either get slapped like I have a few times or he'll just fall right bavk asleep afterwards. I knew this shit would happen when he went to sleep.
Now I have a headach, my nose is stuffed n shit and I wanna take a shower n go to sleep...but can't cuz this bitch has to wake up or imma get bitched at >_<
Let it all out
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Now I have a headach, my nose is stuffed n shit and I wanna take a shower n go to sleep...but can't cuz this bitch has to wake up or imma get bitched at >_<