I played guitar in my band and we had a singer who kind of sucked but we needed a singer and he was our friend so we told him that he was the singer. Anyway we planned on playing Fade to Black at the Battle of the bands for highschool and one day the singer wasnt there so i sang and most of the band thought that i sang it much better. When the battle took place at the last minute we told him that he wasnt going to sing and that i was. We played it and it was awesome, we didnt win because nobody liked metal, but our band broke up right after that because the band was divided on what happened w/ our singer. TL;DR maybe but im drunk so w/e
Well, hopefully my band does more than covers. But me and some of my friends recently did a cover of Mario Minor by Powerglove at our school's talent show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zaQF5GJjEw
If you were in this band, you're my new hero: