You know what really grinds my gears? Fucking Facebook. inb4omgfirstworldproblemsandwhyareyousomadoverFB
It makes me not stand most of my friends anymore. They take everything so god damn seriously, and then guilt trip me when I told them ghosts aren't fucking real (I'm not shitting you. Arlo was there). None of them give a shit about real world problems. None of them are really passionate about anything interesting. The only shit they post is "OMG LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME. READ ABOUT WHAT KIND OF TEA I'M DRINKING." These types of posts are usually okay with me, I admit I've posted some pretty mundane horse crap, but I don't fill my entire wall with that shit.
And no, I don't want to force them in liking everything I like. That's not it. My problem is that they are just really boring and talk about the same shit over and over again. Yeah guys, that's why I don't get on fucking facebook, and am out of the loop every time we hang out. I can only tolerate so much.
Maybe I'm just as selfish as they are, I honestly don't know anymore.
i rarely talk to anyone on facebook.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
No. I'm leaving tomorrow for Texas. I'd like to have a fucking valid ID. I go to get one, forget my purse n social security nope. Will my dad take me back to get it? No. He says lets do it monday...I wont fucking be here. So fuckung pissed off I've wasted my goddamn time.
No cuz I don't have any utility bills in my name, so my dad would have to come with me. Because my mom doesn't have valid ID and my dad has all utility bills in his name. All this because I forgot one little piece of paper cuz I've been stressed and my anxiety is raised cuz I'm leaving tomorrow