It's windy as fuck outside right now. And like every other day now we're gonna have some sort of storm blow through. One's coming up from Texas and is gonna be here by the weekend. Then another on a day or so later and so on. Same pattern every time...
Finally getting the syllabus for my "Visual Art and Music in 20th Century Hungary" class and the damn thing is so fucking confusing. Don't know what's the readings or the lecture topics or the stuff we have to look at/listen to....and part of it is in Hungarian. AHHH!!! 6 classes in you'd think the prof would have his shit together.
this is how much snow we got last night.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
It only cost me like $2 but I am pissed.