Oh shush, you know you love me. Quit pickin a fight, just remember im not afraid to rassle, and get whooped.
This is what a fight between you and me would look like, with you being Batman.
I have broken a lot of knuckles with my face in my day, im made of steel and im not a bleeder, nothing like a nice shiner to turn the ladies on, while your hand is in a cast.
Kinda hopin Razors bf was like a tough guy asshole, that I could make do something stupid with some snide and snippy comments, and then move on in, but it sounds like he is one of the super nice guys, if I showed up randomly with a rogueish charm it would make me the asshole instead of the crusader, im in the wrong movie..... THIS is BOGUS dudes. :O Oh and did you know her boyfriend is afraid of flying!!! What a poosie, I feel insulted and mental anguish, about being passed over like that, gonna be a long depression.
Kinda hopin Razors bf was like a tough guy asshole, that I could make do something stupid with some snide and snippy comments, and then move on in, but it sounds like he is one of the super nice guys, if I showed up randomly with a rogueish charm it would make me the asshole instead of the crusader, im in the wrong movie..... THIS is BOGUS dudes. :O Oh and did you know her boyfriend is afraid of flying!!! What a poosie, I feel insulted and mental anguish, about being passed over like that, gonna be a long depression.
Seriously, what honestly makes you think that..... you know what, never mind, you are right, if her and her boyfriend ever break up you will be the first guy she comes running to, there isn't any denying that. /sarcasm.
This is what a fight between you and me would look like, with you being Batman.
I wanna be the dinosaur.