fuck, I could still have made the SF one since im going back for xmas and then just crashed at my friends place in berkeley for a few days but nope... goddamnit.
we're ahead 80 bucks. opeth was 240 for 2 sold out tix, beach house is 160 for two tickets... so we just sell the opeth ones
Reminds me of a time back in high school I bought an eight for $60 (ass rape I know), I took a gram of it for myself and sold the rest to another clueless kid I knew for the $60 back.
snagged two tickets on stubhub for the LA date on 12/11... for double face value (tix were $40 at 10am, now theyre $80 hours later :L )
selling our opeth tickets, so that gives us two beach house tickets while putting us ahead an extra $80.