In less than 3 years Ive damaged this car twice, one time it was a three car accident, and scratched my dad's car. Im a fuck up.
ok, but dont be a pussy and kill yourself over a year of shit. last year was easily the worst year I could remember living but theres too much good stuff out in the world to justify subtracting yourself. fuck ups happen, sometimes a lot. if youre not gonna give weed a try, at least look at pictures of earth porn, step outside and enjoy nature, pig out on your favorite food, just make yourself realize how the the beautiful things in life surround you and youre simply a dot on this enormous scale of really cool things.
I mean there's always gonna be pointless celebrity news in the media, but I just don't get why people in the US give shit about the royal family. kind of ironic, really
In less than 3 years Ive damaged this car twice, one time it was a three car accident, and scratched my dad's car. Im a fuck up.
ok, but dont be a pussy and kill yourself over a year of shit. last year was easily the worst year I could remember living but theres too much good stuff out in the world to justify subtracting yourself. fuck ups happen, sometimes a lot. if youre not gonna give weed a try, at least look at pictures of earth porn, step outside and enjoy nature, pig out on your favorite food, just make yourself realize how the the beautiful things in life surround you and youre simply a dot on this enormous scale of really cool things.
just learn from your mistakes and move it
its really no big deal
and every day you take another bite
thats one positive thing ill give to slap's cringeworthy bass-obsessed friend... at least he has passion to actually become what he admires.