Called off because I was sick as shit yesterday. I probably could have made it today but if you call off one day, if you call off the next it doesnt count for anything and since I never call off, I took it.
Alaska was the first metal core album ever heard.. I was in my music elective class in high school and we were supposed to bring in music and some kid brought it in.. I thought it was complete garbage at tje time, didn't get it at all but I was a hippie boy at the time.. Still not my fav but they bring it live.. Saw em at nehmf couple years ago
Makes the most logical sense to me. But it doesn't really matter in the end because your bullshit causes discussion, which is hard to come by on here now unless you go into the weed or sports threads
Why would something so insignificant affect my quality of life and the fun I have with it. Besides, I'm getting a new phone soon anyways. This poor thing is 2 1/2 years old )
yeah my S3 is on its last legs but I have to start paying my own bill soon so I'm getting rid of the contract and going back to prepaid. guess I'm gonna see how much life it has left
So there's this girl that works at my store. I don't know for sure if she's slow or not. She's had a weirdly sheltered life so that doesn't help. Every time her and her mom go on vacation, every single time they go to Florida and go to Disneyland. They've gone like 3 times since I've worked here barely a year and a half. She posted on facebook about how they went to disney and got some stuff and are going to 9 lol Somebody posted "Nooo the night is young, go to the bar" and she got all "we don't do that kind of thing"
lets play a queen song to celebrate