Iv been on the hunt for an Australian Sheppard. Dogs are 2dope
Australian Shepherds are dope as fuck. My friend used to have one that didn't make it as a police dog cuz he wasn't aggressive enough so the cops just gave him to a shelter. He would always circle the car and smell for drugs whenever a new car pulled up to his house )
they have beautiful coats and I played with one a lot a number of years ago who was a truly amazing pup but I just dont see the reason for the worship they and corgis get.
I've liked them before this whole worship thing happened. Corgi's I don't get but if you mix them with say a german shep, husky, etc they become adorable miniatures
When you show someone a song and its over 3 or 4 minutes and they flip out "Dude thats long as fuck" Like fucking seriously. People have no attention span these days. A 7 minute song is reacted to as if you want them to sit down and watch a 3 hour movie.
im gonna fucking lose it over our janitor. nigger ass bitch chews loud as fucking possible and slurps all his drinks around the store and in the break room. no matter how loud i set my music I can still hear him. this guys wife must be deaf.....
I'll take a Chihuahua over a puggle. And I hate Chihuahua's
My sister has a chihuahua, and it's the weirdest one I've ever seen, but in a good way. It never barks or makes much of a sound at all, it loves everyone. It's literally the perfect puppy for younger kids. It also has a long tail