Wanted to just stay home playing game of thrones and assassins creed today, cuz I'm sick as fuck. But I had to come back up to ida and do shit for my last two finals tomorrow. So fucking done with this place
The racist scum that yall are, it wouldn't surprise me if the basketball hate stems from the fact that it's the more "urban" sport.
You said it fellow supremacist. Its a nigger sport and therefore sucks. We should just revert to a real american sport like soccer or invent honkey ball. That will show them darkies.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
That comment reminds me of that Chapelle skit where was a blind KKK leader. Best part of that is when he rolls up on group of white kids blasting rap music and was like "You Niggers! Turn down your nigger music" (or something like that), and after he drives off they were all high-fiving each other over how awesome that was ) seriously one of the funniest skits I've ever watched.
dudes probably not even gonna shower today