@chuckless even met him and he smoked us out. dude wouldnt harm a fly and was under the mmj cardowner age when he was arrested so he couldnt even protect himself. fuck the police.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
About 6 months ago I was driving to work and I noticed cars on the left hand side of the road pulling over so I check my rear view and see a pig lighting me up. I had no clue how long he had been there. So he comes up and the convo went something like this
"Morning. Do you know why I pulled you over this morning?" "Morning. Honestly no. I was kinda spacing out listening to my music driving to work" "Where do you work?" "blah engineering" "Well I pulled you over because you blew though that 4 way stop back there, you are driving 45 in a 25, and usually when I turn my lights on I appreciate people pulling over for me." "Holy crap. Sorry officer. I typically don't drive like a maniac." "Now that I pulled you over I see your NYS inspection is over due." "Yeah... my bad" "Well Im going to give you a warning today. slow it down, and have a good day"
) ) ) Something tells me if I was black that whole situation would have gone much much differently.
Your boy legal now? Michigan has an affermative defense in the law for mmj, not sure about where you are. If you get busted and then get legal after the fact you can get it dropped here. Just because it wasn't legal yet doesn't mean it wasn't medicinal.
well this is his third offense, so hes already been given diversion twice. third offenses are at the jurisdiction of the judge, but its looking not too good for him.
One of the speakers on my sound system is coming out either all distorted, or is cutting in/out. And it is annoying the shit out of me. I can't figure out what the problem is. I've tried rearranging the cables, but it seems like the speaker wires and speakers are fine. When only one of them is plugged into the left output it sounds fine, but whichever one is plugged into the right output it gets all fucked up.
Which means there must be something wrong with the right speaker output.
@chuckless even met him and he smoked us out. dude wouldnt harm a fly and was under the mmj cardowner age when he was arrested so he couldnt even protect himself. fuck the police.
fuck the police
I knew what direction that was going by the color of his skin
"Morning. Do you know why I pulled you over this morning?"
"Morning. Honestly no. I was kinda spacing out listening to my music driving to work"
"Where do you work?"
"blah engineering"
"Well I pulled you over because you blew though that 4 way stop back there, you are driving 45 in a 25, and usually when I turn my lights on I appreciate people pulling over for me."
"Holy crap. Sorry officer. I typically don't drive like a maniac."
"Now that I pulled you over I see your NYS inspection is over due."
"Yeah... my bad"
"Well Im going to give you a warning today. slow it down, and have a good day"
She has to work
Which means there must be something wrong with the right speaker output.