Just the stories ic heard. I know a lot of people that have seen them. And even their live video has a different intensity. Obv you're right im just going off what I have heard, but iv heard the same shit from many people who don't even know each other. Idk to me what I see when I watch their videos is the eptimtamy of what metal was and should be about. I just don't think that's gonna be touched with a band of that magnitude ever again.
Shouldn't you just have it saved on your computer? Just print it out again. And if you didn't save it, you're an idiot.
It was hand written in class. I gave it to her on my way out and I was probably one of the first kids to turn it in. Dumb bitch lost my paper and expects me to write a new one. Fuck that.
> pits were on a different level
>Macroeconomics Professor: Looks like you never turned in that paper that was due last Wednesday
> :-| I handed you a hard copy on Wednesday you stupid fucking cunt
> Professor: Well I don't have it. I'll let you re-do it and turn it in on Friday.
> :-| Right. Like I'm gonna pull another Macroeconomics paper out of my ass. Fucking kill yourself you fucking faggot.
also pig destroyer and black mask
if youre not mad after listening to those, fucking kill yourself