biology was fairly simple minus punnet squares. never got that shit. passed chemistry in hs with a d. enough to gtfo there )
Maybe it was because my teacher was incompetent (she seriously got fired after my year. It was her first year teaching ever). But bio was hard for me. Chemistry was REALLY hard.
my freshman year english teacher (whos name was actually mrs green) was fired the year after I graduated for failing a drug test.
I will never forget her defining line in my mind. I can hear it clear as day:
(after reading a poem about a snake): "and if you guys hold your books sideways........ it looks like blades of grass"
I look back on high school and remember how much shit I took from people and realize that if that were now with my present behavior and mentality, id get kicked the fuck out so fast. I was a pro at accepting fate and eating shit when served.
Physics is the shit. Its just a total mind fuck. It was fun to get pie eyed high and go to class. Chemistry just got annoying because anytime people in class started to grasp the basics rules, the next class they would teach all the exceptions and we would learn why all the rules weren't true. People couldnt seem to learn it and move on. I found both classes way easier after I stopped trying to understand all of the how's and whys and just accepting what was being presented.
Chemistry was easy, just boring as fuck. Passed with a C. Biology was the easiest shit ever. There was a point about a month before the semester ended where my biology teacher told me "I'm going to be honest with you. You could not do a single assignment for the rest of year and still pass with a high C." ) shit was simple as fuck.
Chemistry was funny though. I had this teacher who was just weird as fuck. He was in his mid 40's and when someone would swear or something he'd always go "Mother wouldn't approve." He also said "I'm sorry" in every fucking sentence for no reason. It was this chicks birthday and he bumped into one of her balloons. He then turned around and apologized to the balloon ) like complete serious straight face. Had a feeling he was just trolling us all year )
Chemistry was easy, just boring as fuck. Passed with a C. Biology was the easiest shit ever. There was a point about a month before the semester ended where my biology teacher told me "I'm going to be honest with you. You could not do a single assignment for the rest of year and still pass with a high C." ) shit was simple as fuck.
"Passing with a C" means hard for me. I've never gotten lower than a C. So A/B means easy, C means hard.
college level physics course is far different than high school physics
sometimes you 100% retard MC
Im just saying ive been exposed to it before. We're in college, it should be harder. Basic physics isnt that complex. Its still entry level science. Its not like we're jumping right into specialized astrophysics or theoretical physics classes.
called rhem back. They told me someone could be there Monday. Told them that's too long. They then said someone could come on Friday. Was like suck my dick and they're coming today
Chemistry was easy, just boring as fuck. Passed with a C. Biology was the easiest shit ever. There was a point about a month before the semester ended where my biology teacher told me "I'm going to be honest with you. You could not do a single assignment for the rest of year and still pass with a high C." ) shit was simple as fuck.
"Passing with a C" means hard for me. I've never gotten lower than a C. So A/B means easy, C means hard.
I could've passed with a B. But my teacher was so incompetent and the class so boring that I missed some shit here and there. Certain assignments I was just like fuck it.
fuck I might not graduate in december at this rate. fuck real estate class. without a doubt the most difficult course Ive ever taken in school. apparently the class average is a C- lol
its my last remaining business course. it was between real estate and economics 400, which ive heard nothing but horror stories about, even from my friends who are solid at math. on top of the material being terrifically dry and similar sounding, we got the ol' bait and switch pulled on us because our professor (who I researched through rmp) left two weeks in and we got a canadian bitch who expects us to know all of this material already and treats the class "as a refresher"
Ill probably pass tbh, but it means Im not going to be doing much of anything else but school work and actual work till graduation, with the exception of animal collective, uncle acid, and terrorfest (well, then despise you and pallbearer, but in december) so basically october-december is going to be entirely solitary and shitty lol
college level physics course is far different than high school physics
sometimes you 100% retard MC
called rhem back. They told me someone could be there Monday. Told them that's too long. They then said someone could come on Friday. Was like suck my dick and they're coming today