Actually mood supplements can def work. If you have the ability I see a counselor do it. Depression is a real disease man if you have the means to get help you should.
Actually mood supplements can def work. If you have the ability I see a counselor do it. Depression is a real disease man if you have the means to get help you should.
I don't want supplements though. I've tried them in the past, and I don't think they work. Besides, I don't want to be "dependent" on them. I might go see a counselor. But at the moment I don't want to. I feel like this is something I have to solve for myself. I don't think an external force will help.
Do you know what supplements are? They're basically vitamins. Unless you're talking antidepressants, which can also be good, you just have to be very careful about which ones you use. Most doctors don't typical diagnose you with the right depression and therefor diagnose you with the wrong medication.
Only meds type thing I take on the semi reg are tums and peptobismol. And thats because late night stomachaches are unbearable. And allergy meds, but I forget to take those alot of the time.
Seriously MC you need to get outside and do shit. Go walking, start some form of exercise or join a club of some sort, go to a gym, hop on a bike.....endorphins are good for you man
Rex420 said: I don't want supplements though. I've tried them in the past, and I don't think they work. Besides, I don't want to be "dependent" on them. I might go see a counselor. But at the moment I don't want to. I feel like this is something I have to solve for myself. I don't think an external force will help.
I don't take vitamins either though
fuck pills
mah bad.
of some sort, go to a gym, hop on a bike.....endorphins are good for you man