Goddamn I hate send offs. I got this bad Latina bitch holding my hand to the car talmbout "We gonna fuck right now Episode." We get in the car and her fuckin cock block bitch talks her ou t of it.
Maybe her friend wanted a three way
You coulda popped your cherry I'm style with a reverse spit roast
I decided to make a smoothie with my mom's nutrigrain bullet juicer fucking thing. Load it up with an apple, strawberries, and grapes, and I cut all of it into small pieces. Follow all instructions, set it on the thing and it starts blending. It kept on blending for like 5 minutes, which I thought was unusual but whatever. Decided to go to my room and wait until I heard it stop. 5 minutes later I hear a loud thud and walk outside. The cup got flung into the wall, the blender thing is smoking, and there's juice on every inch of the fucking kitchen. Fucking god dammit. Just glad I wasn't out there when I happened.
Dude....the skill now is to get into her inbox
Maybe her friend wanted a three way
You coulda popped your cherry I'm style with a reverse spit roast
Nah but the other bitch did seem down at first too. Doin 3 way shotguns wit the blunt, shit was turning me on.
Blunts \m/
>gf, friend, and I all have this same system:
>great bass, satellites are good quality
>3 of her speakers go out
>still sounds pretty good
>still under warranty so I suggest we exchange it
>fast fwd a week
>she gets a new one though our friend's discount at best buy
>about $50 cheaper
>set it up
>bass is poverty
>mfw when we could have just gotten the same thing
gimme a link for the good system brah, I need one
great sound for the price. thats way cheaper than when I got mine.
great sound for the price. thats way cheaper than when I got mine.
thanks obama
Greg seems to have gone ghost after I called him out on all the fake band bullshit :-?
I decided to make a smoothie with my mom's nutrigrain bullet juicer fucking thing. Load it up with an apple, strawberries, and grapes, and I cut all of it into small pieces. Follow all instructions, set it on the thing and it starts blending. It kept on blending for like 5 minutes, which I thought was unusual but whatever. Decided to go to my room and wait until I heard it stop. 5 minutes later I hear a loud thud and walk outside. The cup got flung into the wall, the blender thing is smoking, and there's juice on every inch of the fucking kitchen. Fucking god dammit. Just glad I wasn't out there when I happened.
damn my irate ness would be at unheard of levels lol
Definitely did my share of screaming. Still cleaning. I hate this fucking thing.
what kind of dumb ass leaves a blender unattended
Dude it said don't touch it until it stops blending on the machine. So I figured it'd stop blending on its own when it was done like it always does.
BeefTorpedo said: