Goddamnit man this busted ass bitch is superglued to my dick and won't leave me the fuck alone, even tho I ignore any and all communication. She won't take a hint and I'm getting fucking irritated. She even posted a cringeworthy ass "remix" of my lyrics as a status yesterday.
Well at least you know
Can't win them all dude at least you tried
As the white Facebook sluts say....on to the next
Telling her and getting clarity is a step in the right direction
Time to get your rape on
Beef... smoothez teh tip :-?
MC >:D< There will be others.
Goddamnit man this busted ass bitch is superglued to my dick and won't leave me the fuck alone, even tho I ignore any and all communication. She won't take a hint and I'm getting fucking irritated. She even posted a cringeworthy ass "remix" of my lyrics as a status yesterday.
Pic of gremlim :!!
You've got your first fangirl groupie Popsicle
> taking the 5 from la to sacramento
> want to take the coastal route
> dad says itll take too long
> 2hr delay for accident
> 25 minute delay for road work
> 20 minute delay for roadwork
> shoulda gone to oceans edge
Damn I'd kill someone
cant tell if making fun of me.
this scanner and work :-L
Had to remake the last barcode I was running like 15 times so I could run it X(
Left work 45 minutes late... Gonna need some beer
some of the convos on tinder are painstakingly slow
Be like
Ayo wat movies u liek
2 days later
Idk I like all movies