Make sure to shoot more than 1 so it can be a mass shooting. Dont stab anybody, nobody gives a shit about them, just like the 3 people this Rogers fag stabbed to death. The media gives 0 fuks about them, they just care a gun was used...
The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.
Fucking broad at work got promoted to assistant manager, let it go to her head in .5 seconds and went from the sweet lady at work that everybody likes to full blown cunt. Seriously wanted to lay her ass out today. Was riding my dick for an hour straight about the most petty and pointless bullshit. Even my coworkers were getting pissed and she wasn't even going off on them. Was so close to straight up telling her to shut the fuck up.
My boy wrote "#TeamEpisode" on the bulletin board and she got fucking irate. )
> 2pm: "hey gang, asu is sending over five busses of instructors from teach for america! thats a lot of business we're gonna have! yay! who wants to close??"
got to get some Manson CDs
Those fagz liked Rammstein
omg they're the best band ever ok
Make sure to shoot more than 1 so it can be a mass shooting. Dont stab anybody, nobody gives a shit about them, just like the 3 people this Rogers fag stabbed to death. The media gives 0 fuks about them, they just care a gun was used...
@namsayn do you still like Rammstein and Manson or was that just a Bianca thing :-?
Rammstein kinda sucks but they seem fun live.. Most y'all have little room to talk with gwar
havent loved rammstein since 7th grade. id be down to see them live I guess though.
still will always go see manson, but his music is dead.
omg they squirted blood all over me!!! Best show ever!!!
Omg they squirted foam all over me!! What a bunch of faggots
fool proof logic 9/10 wb
Fucking broad at work got promoted to assistant manager, let it go to her head in .5 seconds and went from the sweet lady at work that everybody likes to full blown cunt. Seriously wanted to lay her ass out today. Was riding my dick for an hour straight about the most petty and pointless bullshit. Even my coworkers were getting pissed and she wasn't even going off on them. Was so close to straight up telling her to shut the fuck up.
My boy wrote "#TeamEpisode" on the bulletin board and she got fucking irate.
> slow and easy day at work
> 2pm: "hey gang, asu is sending over five busses of instructors from teach for america! thats a lot of business we're gonna have! yay! who wants to close??"
fucking commit suicide.
how hard could target be anyways