Nah ove been dealing with these faggots for two fucking weeks and they have beem circle jerking me around the whole time. Ive been in the store twice and the fat ass faggot that is supposed to be a tech dude told me "oh well your lock button clicks so it should work" end your life he then rubbed the back with a toothbrush and said well its an app go delete them all. Told him to fuck himself pretty much. Was in their for about 3 hours. Went back yesterday and set there for an hour. No one said shit to me. This faggot was talking back to me saying he was a customer too so dont talk to him that way. NIGGA YOU ARE AT WORK RIGHT NOW YOU ARENT A CUSTOMER.
I didnt i dropped my battery because i have the back off because ya know my fucking lock button doesnt work but it should because it clicks, so whenever my phone locks i have to take the battery out. If the fat ass woulda just helped me out like a good business does, then this wouldnt have happened.
Ive never had a dog pass away naturally, or be euthanized. this was the hardest thing ive ever had to be a part of. I carried her into the car and into the vet office because we wanted to make sure and they confirmed it. I absolutely lost my shit.
Had to pull the pieces of glass out with tweezers.
Pizza places are closing down. Fucking snow.