I love my girlfriend, but she's being a cunt today cuz aunt flow is in town. I've been sick all day and still went to work and she won't go to the store for me and get me some vitamin c or soup or anything. I'm just stuck in my bed, burning up :-<
Mc forget it, if she's not a 100/100 skin n' bone girl then she's obviously fat.
If we are gonna open this can....
Fat is something you have, not something that you are or are not.
Umm then don't all humans have fat?
Yeah, I should have left out the "or don't have". My bad.
It's mostly a mentality thing for obese people to shift their perspective from thinking "I'm fat" to "I have excess fat." Being "fat" is a mentality that can define a person, deflecting responsibility just like a tall person can't do anything about being tall, or a short person can't work to get taller, a person who defines themselves as fat will think it's impossible to become a "skinny" person... It's not who they are. Thinking of it as having fat makes it easier to work towards losing it. It also helps people realize they can define who they want to be without being told who or what they are by other people.
Yeah, don't you think that's a bit early for a NYE show? People are still in their houses at that time. Shoulda started it after most people have left their houses to go party
It's mostly a mentality thing for obese people to shift their perspective from thinking "I'm fat" to "I have excess fat." Being "fat" is a mentality that can define a person, deflecting responsibility just like a tall person can't do anything about being tall, or a short person can't work to get taller, a person who defines themselves as fat will think it's impossible to become a "skinny" person... It's not who they are. Thinking of it as having fat makes it easier to work towards losing it. It also helps people realize they can define who they want to be without being told who or what they are by other people.
Tues night gettin fukt
Wed sleep/smoke all day
Awe yeeaA
Right now it's me and my bud just trying to trip balls because everything else has fallen through