I think I'm going to have to spend at least $300 this semester on textbooks...6 classes, 17.5 credits.
try seeing if you can rent some for a fraction of the price at chegg.com I've saved a lot of money for the past few semesters now.
Well, I just checked that site. It's cheaper for me to get them through the school. So far only 2 classes posted text books...11 books for 2 classes. Ugh.
my girl leaving the cap off the shampoo so when i'm in the shower i grab it and it quirts me directly in the eyeball.......
Bahhahah, but how do you not notice the cap is not on it??
i donno i just grabbed it, lol wtf?
Well ussually I look at what im grabbing, an why do u use the same stuff, u should be like using some manly Axe body wash and she should be using some silky coconut melon or something....
dis nicca prince...