So one of my favorite things that Dave Lombardo does live that I love is he adds a little tom hit during the short break in War Ensemble, making a little "ting" where there's silence in the studio version. I saw a live video of Slayer recently with Bostaph and apparently he plays it just like the studio version
So one of my favorite things that Dave Lombardo does live that I love is he adds a little tom hit during the short break in War Ensemble, making a little "ting" where there's silence in the studio version. I saw a live video of Slayer recently with Bostaph and apparently he plays it just like the studio version
So one of my favorite things that Dave Lombardo does live that I love is he adds a little tom hit during the short break in War Ensemble, making a little "ting" where there's silence in the studio version. I saw a live video of Slayer recently with Bostaph and apparently he plays it just like the studio version
you can see what I'm talking about after the section starting at 1:35
But yeah, little things like that always make it better.
much hatred
Just turned down smoking wit just me and 3 females to go to the PS4 midnight launch.
:-? /:)
>text dude whose house I was at last night
>ask if I left it there
>apparently drank it all last night
> :-L