Depends on the insurance you have, a lot of them will only pay 1/2 for root canals and crowns. Other policies may only pay $1,500 - $2,500 a year for dental.
Either way, I've had a few and they weren't that bad. I didn't see what all the fuss was about, there were a few bad smells, some pushing and pulling, a little pressure, and it took awhile, but there was never any pain. He is really, really good at what he does though. Not all dentists have the same gentle touch.
Yeah, you still get those. They put some super strength ambesol on it though, so you don't feel it too much. It's mostly just the pressure of them pushing, the smell and sounds that are unpleasant, but it isn't that bad, especially if you can put you mind on vacation somewhere else.
I'm trying to watch Walking Dead and some ass fucks across the road keep letting of fireworks (it was Guy Fawkes this week so there are loads of fireworks around)
how lucky some of you eastern US folks are to see the bands you see. pig destroyer has never been to AZ as far as I know. neither have locrian or horseback. cherish life.
Bro those shots are literally the most painful fucking shit. You fucking stoned. Inb4yesiamthathasnothingtodowithit
Nah. Whatever he puts on to numb the gums before hand works great. You don't feel the needle go in, but you can feel feel the pressure of the fluid being forced into the gum tissue, and it lasts less than 5 seconds. It's not that bad you big puss.
We used to get very few bands here in NZ.
You yanks have relatively easy access to relatively every band imaginable
in terms of shows we are much better
every once in a while you get our greatest hits table scraps for $250 a piece