That would be awesome if that could be a charge. Poor Erik would be fucked. And thats what I've been trying to say. He didnt ready do shit besides go in her email and read some bullshit. The ones who should be charged are the ones who hacked in, stole shit, and used your shit. Not your husband...shit.
If you were to allow it for spouses then you must allow it for everyone.
Allowing people to basically break in to one's e-mail shouldn't be tolerated, period. I understand that some may be able to find out if their spouse is cheating, but speculation isn't a justified cause to let people snoop into other's private information.
No, it shouldn't be the same for everyone. If it was, say goodbye to me because I'd be charged with about 5 felonies for this stupid shit. You don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't care if your spouse gets in your email somehow. You share bills, money and everything else anyway. Shes pissed because she got caught and it got public. So shes going ahead and pressing charges. You dont want that shit to happen, dont gave things out in the open, say your password, ext. Keep your shit locked up and have a hard to hack password. If you click on something stupid and someone gets your shit that way, then sucks for you. Find em and charge em if you can.
But allowing spouses to look through each other's stuff would also allow the super-paranoid people to constantly hack into their spouses personal information without any way to stop it.
I get the whole "spouses should be open with each other" idea, but it simply doesn't translate. The law would have to make it illegal to go into other people's e-mail without permission.....unless they're married. It just wouldn't make sense, it's still their private info, regardless if they're with someone or not.
I think it's possible that chick left her info there on purpose. She knew she was having an affair and knew there was evidence in there. She probably wanted him to find it and then charge him for it to fuck him over. Some people are like that. And if someone goes in your email that you know, yell at them, change your password and move the hell on. Dont charge them unless theyre using your credit card our some stupid shit, our if they hack into it again. If the government is going to just charge people for it, I also think that is wrong.
But allowing spouses to look through each other's stuff would also allow the super-paranoid people to constantly hack into their spouses personal information without any way to stop it.
I get the whole "spouses should be open with each other" idea, but it simply doesn't translate. The law would have to make it illegal to go into other people's e-mail without permission.....unless they're married. It just wouldn't make sense, it's still their private info, regardless if they're with someone or not.
I think it should be the same for everyone too. But if someone grants another person permission to use their account would make a bit more sense, or if its a joint account for like a bank account both should know the info.
So a guy looks in his wifes email, finds shes cheating, then gets charged a felony. I think its bullshit because why the hell should it be a felony? And if thats become a law...then who knows what else is going to pop up. You might not be able to post certain pics or say profanity. Like shit..
Isn't adultery illegal as well. So they should do this like football. Penalties offset replay down.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
But allowing spouses to look through each other's stuff would also allow the super-paranoid people to constantly hack into their spouses personal information without any way to stop it.
I get the whole "spouses should be open with each other" idea, but it simply doesn't translate. The law would have to make it illegal to go into other people's e-mail without permission.....unless they're married. It just wouldn't make sense, it's still their private info, regardless if they're with someone or not.
personal information and a dumb e-mail account are different.
One's E-mail is personal information. I for one wouldn't want someone to be legally able to snoop around it, and something tells me most people wouldn't want it allowed either.
But allowing spouses to look through each other's stuff would also allow the super-paranoid people to constantly hack into their spouses personal information without any way to stop it.
I get the whole "spouses should be open with each other" idea, but it simply doesn't translate. The law would have to make it illegal to go into other people's e-mail without permission.....unless they're married. It just wouldn't make sense, it's still their private info, regardless if they're with someone or not.
personal information and a dumb e-mail account are different.
One's E-mail is personal information. I for one wouldn't want someone to be legally able to snoop around it, and something tells me most people wouldn't want it allowed either.
I wouldn't hide my e-mail from my significant other. if you have nothing to hide then there should be no problem whatsoever.
Just because you claim you'd be fine doesn't make it's the same for everyone. Not every couple is alike, some people like to snoop and I just don't feel it should be tolerated. Also like I said before having a privacy law that would no longer come into effect once one is married is just silly. *flicks wrist*
I don't agree with looking through someones email but I also don't agree with cheating a child abuse. If you have nothing to hind then there is no issue with letting a significant other look through email
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Allowing people to basically break in to one's e-mail shouldn't be tolerated, period. I understand that some may be able to find out if their spouse is cheating, but speculation isn't a justified cause to let people snoop into other's private information.
Thats how I see it.
I get the whole "spouses should be open with each other" idea, but it simply doesn't translate. The law would have to make it illegal to go into other people's e-mail without permission.....unless they're married. It just wouldn't make sense, it's still their private info, regardless if they're with someone or not.
But if someone grants another person permission to use their account would make a bit more sense,
or if its a joint account for like a bank account both should know the info.