I'm not defending PETA. I'm not saying they couldnt do that. I'm saying a Tumblr chain message is the least reliable source ever so why get upset over something that may not even be true.
oh please, i got upset when i had to sell my cow in Harvest Moon it doesnt take much to make me sad when it comes to animals
How does it make you feel that I slaughtered countless forest, aquatic, and jungle animals in Assassin's Creed 3 and Far Cry 3 to swag myself out and get dough?
oh please, i got upset when i had to sell my cow in Harvest Moon it doesnt take much to make me sad when it comes to animals
How does it make you feel that I slaughtered countless forest, aquatic, and jungle animals in Assassin's Creed 3 and Far Cry 3 to swag myself out and get dough?
no you dint you pushed buttons on a game pad in an imaginary thing
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Ok, I consider myself to be a pretty big time liberal, but good lord the people in my atheist group at UNT sometimes make me wanna burn a rainbow flag and scarf down Chick-fil-A like no tomorrow ~X(
Do tell. My roommate is an obnoxious atheist, so I know that feel.
It's just been piling up for me over the months to the point where I'm starting to become really annoyed.
A lot of the members are overly sensitive when it comes to certain issues, yet will just talk so much shit on people's personal beliefs. Like jokes about religion, southerners, and conservatives are all fine, but GOD FORBID you make a gender, race, or sexual orientation joke around them. I have to filter myself quite a bit when I'm around this group and it's pretty irritating.
So the person you talked to is also the drummer in a band you booked? Why didn't you speak to an owner? I honestly would have just went for a different venue because it seems like this one is going to be a disaster
The owner of the store is never there, so i talked to the manager, he's always there and is the one who usually books shows.
I'm convinced though that the lineup I have/am getting will more than be enough to bring out 75+ people, the venue only holds 100, but i need 50 people to be able to pay the bands nicely.
Hey Bianca, I know this Nigerian prince you should talk to...
they kill the animals they keep in their adoption facilities too
thats been public for a while
it doesnt take much to make me sad when it comes to animals
How does it make you feel that I slaughtered countless forest, aquatic, and jungle animals in Assassin's Creed 3 and Far Cry 3 to swag myself out and get dough?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
A lot of the members are overly sensitive when it comes to certain issues, yet will just talk so much shit on people's personal beliefs. Like jokes about religion, southerners, and conservatives are all fine, but GOD FORBID you make a gender, race, or sexual orientation joke around them. I have to filter myself quite a bit when I'm around this group and it's pretty irritating.
I'm convinced though that the lineup I have/am getting will more than be enough to bring out 75+ people, the venue only holds 100, but i need 50 people to be able to pay the bands nicely.
i thought i was the only one who enojys sleeping until noon