"Holding down the middle slot was Between the Buried and Me, who made a mockery of the very concept of music. The North Carolina quintet, which incorporates the death growls, is among the wankiest, most bombastic, emotionally sterile bands I've ever encountered. The songs, if you want to call them that, made no structural sense, jumping through genres (I swear there was jazz fusion and country in there, too) like an iPod run amok. Frontman/keyboardist Tommy Giles Rogers really should decide if he wants to sing pretty or monster growl, because switching off every 10 seconds is just silly and schizoid. It was an interminable hour of heavy music with a deadening effect, and aside from the 20 or so moshers up front, people seemed to be enduring it more than enjoying it. Just about anything would have sounded good after that."
some dude wrote that about btbam's performance in Pittsburgh
Fuck that guy. I'm not BTBAM's biggest proponent, but his critiques are some of the lowest common denominator shit I've seen in a while. He talks about them burning through genres like its a bad thing. I'd prolly hate whatever that tool gives accolades to
Our cat whom had babies recently has recently been attacking our other cat and 2 dogs, they weren't anywhere near her babies, she just attacked them at random, we might have to get rid of her if she doesn't stop though
Our cat whom had babies recently has recently been attacking our other cat and 2 dogs, they weren't anywhere near her babies, she just attacked them at random, we might have to get rid of her if she doesn't stop though
First of all, that's an incorrect usage of whom, faggot.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Nah, but she probably has the territorial instinct. Whether they're near her babies or not, they're in her territory, and being there at all is a threat to her children.
She is completely fine around my family and I, she'll sit in our lap and bug us to pet her, but when one of the other animals are near her she goes into attack mode.
Our cat whom had babies recently has recently been attacking our other cat and 2 dogs, they weren't anywhere near her babies, she just attacked them at random, we might have to get rid of her if she doesn't stop though
First of all, that's an incorrect usage of whom, faggot.
Nah, but she probably has the territorial instinct. Whether they're near her babies or not, they're in her territory, and being there at all is a threat to her children.
She is completely fine around my family and I, she'll sit in our lap and bug us to pet her, but when one of the other animals are near her she goes into attack mode.
Just because she doesn't see you as a threat to her young doesn't mean she sees other animals the same way.
some dude wrote that about btbam's performance in Pittsburgh
Either way, that guy has obviously never been exposed to progressive music, so I'll assume he's 12.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Besides the kittens will be gone on February 22nd. :-< We are going to.
k See my previous comment.