Don't think I'm gong to be able to drink much at all anymore. Seems I get a headache every time I do
Don't you also get them when you're not drinking?
Yeah, I get headaches around 2 times a weeks. Sometimes more and sometimes less. But every time I have drank I have gotten one. I would bet if I didn't drink tonight or any of the other nights I could have saved myself a headache
Whenever I have a headache which is pretty rare it either because I haven't had a decent coffee for a few days....or I havent drunken enough water. Drinking loads of water throughout the day is important
Same here. It's either a caffine headache or from being dehydrated. Most people just don't drink enough water and don't realize how much it can jack up the way your body runs and the electrical firings and conductivity in your brain.
oh i dont get them anymore but when i did, nothing really caused it except my genes moms got migranes and dads got cluster headaches so i was blessed with tension headaches
On the headache topic I learned a lot can be attributed to dehydration when I got elevation sickness in colorado. Drink a fuck ton of water if you are getting them regularly. And I mean drink until you're ready to puke from it caffine is the enemy here. Also if you have an oxygen bar close to you try it. Iy helped me as well.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I didn't even know there was oxygen bars. Yeah, I don't drink as much water as I should. Just never been a fan of it. But on a separate note...wasn't it supposed to start snowing in the afternoon? Fucktards
On the headache topic I learned a lot can be attributed to dehydration when I got elevation sickness in colorado. Drink a fuck ton of water if you are getting them regularly. And I mean drink until you're ready to puke from it caffine is the enemy here. Also if you have an oxygen bar close to you try it. Iy helped me as well.
Too much water can be just as bad as not enough. The electrolyte balance in your body gets out of whack. That's why they recommend the sea salts.
moms got migranes and dads got cluster headaches so i was blessed with tension headaches