thats like when you sell some CD's at the CD store and they give you 50cent a CD, then next time you go in htere to shop you see one of the same CD's priced at $10 bucks. rippoff
^ damn textbook are expensive as shitttt. my girl had to buy one a few months ago, it was $120.
Lol, she only had to buy ONE textbook....
yea, she only has to take 1 class, she's going for her masters degree in Psychology. She did 4 years at Neuman University and 4 years at Rowan University, Now she goes to class one night for the masters degree! She's fucking good at school, unlike me. I fit in perfect with the construction world!
George, is this like your first time listening to Pantera or something? haha
I've been listening to Panter since they came out with Far Beyond Driven, I think the year was 92-93. My cousin turned me on to PANTERAAAAAAAAAA when I was around 10! That's prolly why I like Far Beyon Driven so much, it's the 1st album I ever hears by them.
When you think you really know someone you've been friends with forever...then someone tells you stuff about them that makes you think "Wow, this dude really needs some help."
Fucking Ricoh Oracle programs. >.<
I have to learn 3 new matrixes, 2 more oracles and a new program thats replacing outlook called Lotus Notes