Ginger kids how have too many issues with some peoples posts and decisions. It's a forum, get over it.
Take your own advice, cunt.
Didn't you say you were leaving? Don't you owe Cheeze 10 bucks? I stated why I came back. All you ever do is insult, or try to insult people. Not to mention how ignorant and disrespectful you why you here?
Ginger kids how have too many issues with some peoples posts and decisions. It's a forum, get over it.
Take your own advice, cunt.
Didn't you say you were leaving? Don't you owe Cheeze 10 bucks? I stated why I came back. All you ever do is insult, or try to insult people. Not to mention how ignorant and disrespectful you why you here?
LOL What I said went WAY over your head. You talk about him having way too many issues with people's posts, and to get over it because it's a forum, when that's all your fucking dumbass does is criticize me for EVERYTHING I fucking say. You're equally as ignorant, so that's not saying much.
Riiight. I'm far from ignorant and everyone that knows me can tell you that. And I wouldn't criticize you as mug if you would start being more intelligent, wouldn't call every girl a cunt or w/e else, and tell people to fuck off and deal with it every time they tell you something. Nothing went over my head at all. If fact you need to get over a lot of things
Well, as I say, if the shoe fits, wear it, CUNT. :]
And yes I say to deal with it and fuck off, because none of you faggots is going to change my mind, I could give 2 shits.
And that's your problem Erik. You don't listen and aren't willing to learn or improve yourself. That makes you a piece of shit human being like the ones you hate so damn much.
They keep throwing all these words around and shit and blaming me I just wish the fighting would stop :-S
I didn't know those posts were about someone else. It seemed quite coincidental at the time wih my posts and such so I just assumed. And I'll stop when he stops replying
Erik have you ever seen the dramatic reading of a breakup letter? I think that guy should do that with some of your posts. I can see much hilarity coming from it
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
That was about a pill head that works with me that quit last week but now has returned. I guess he realized he wouldn't have drug money
And yes I say to deal with it and fuck off, because none of you faggots is going to change my mind, I could give 2 shits.
There's so much shit I could say about you about exactly why you're a fucking shit human being, but why even bother?
I be talkin bout dem bitches on facebook an work!
Keep telling yourself that bitch.
At least I know I have the dignity to say I haven't cheated on multiple people and used people just to get out of a shitty situation. *Cough cough*