My brother. He's yelling at me for getting him one of the games he wanted. He gave me a list of games on two different systems and said "Get one or the other" and I did that. I got him Call of Duty:Black Ops for his 360...and apparently his 360 red-ringed. Not my fucking fault. Just return the game after Christmas and get whatever he wanted for the PS3.
He prolly just wants to blame someone other than himself.
I'm lucky if I got $59.99 in TOTAL for Xmas. I do believe a Tommy Lee Jones stare and bitch slap is in order.
My best friend is refusing to read my story that I have to turn in as my final exam. So what if the first version is 20pgs and the second is 13pgs? I've edited her papers constantly without question and now I legitimately need her help and she's fucking refusing to give her opinion.
its still like a month away. <_>