I wish I could go trick or treating. But I'm sick. I get sick almost every Halloween. So I'm probably just going to end up going to the Halloween movie screening in the lounge of my dorm tomorrow night.
Being unable to find reasonably priced blonde-brown dreads for my costume, thus rendering me unable to be Andres Friden for tomorrow. Looks like it's time for plan B:
Well, my roommate and I may be having a little "chat" in the next few days. Last night, I was almost asleep and I heard her out in the hallway talking shit about me to another girl across the hall. For the second night in the row she came in so drunk she knocked over a bunch of my stuff. I thought we were completely fine with each other, neither of us really having much vice-wise, but that pissed me off.
On the brightside, I'll get some lulz, because I'm putting a sign that says "GTFO" on the door tomorrow.
in cuz he is under 17.
Literally. I'm a bit pissed off right now because of this fucking homo.