Jacob you usually don't do the new page thing which is good. and when somethings wrong you get down to business
Sars, when i heard you, you sounded ghetto...in a good way.
Bianca, we used to be friends so you got something in there.
Dayna, you're just plain hot, and you don't put up with bullshit drama.
Wine you're the most like me on this forum and we agree on most things
Alex you're a player and make a pretty cool Portuguese dude
Distance you're really hot. you're going out with that one dude with the gnome pic right? he's lucky
Brian you are the most thrash person i know. almost as much as dorstein. also you're are fucking sick for you're age.
Will i know i make fun of you but i don't mean it most of the time. you're just too easy ya know? bro?
Erik, gotta say that you really have matured. gotta give you props for that
Jobe you're fucking funny when you come around here. always spreading you're philosophy
Andy, always bringing in random banter when there's E-fights and you're the coolest guy i know that listens to core music
Jorm, you're just plain awesome man. A drummer and you're big into all the obscure bands. also i never guessed you were 16? i think that's how old you are
Chuck Funny dude man and you share some of my musical taste. also that baby you hang with is a bawse
Ed, you are the most metal black guy i know and you beat some ass with those fighting skills you talk about
Marc you're like a videogame connoisseur. it's fucking awesome
Stratophony, you're truly kvlt and no one is as kvlt as you. also you post fitting and hilarious youtube vids
Dawn, you forgot me on your list<_> but that's ok you're an awesome black metal chica
Rammstein....you can bust out some bumpin rhymes
Primal and Laurjohn, you two are the most mature guys on here. always regulating and just keeping in check. you guys are awesome
Santana, you have alot of stupid moments but what would we do without ya. also i don't care if your girlfriend has small eyes
Vanilla's moderators, you guys truly made this place home again. You guys are the best.
Berto, you're just plain chill. you don't care if people don't like your music.
Chewie. You post amazing vocal covers(lol) and post lots of cool movie info.
Arlo, you listen to some pretty bad music but you don't shove it down peoples throat so your awesome like that
Will's friend, you are pretty cute and listen to Gojira so you're cool with me.
Adam(Maf_aka_adam) you are spot on with those album leaks ive gotten countless albums from yooz. thanks man
Travis_Bickle i have no idea who you are but i like when you add in your 2 cents
Nolametal, you're a huge dick but are funny about it. and i'm a dick too so you're pretty chill
Psicosis, you are fucked in the head but you're one awesome grind loving motherfucker
Britt, you are big into the Melodeath scene and you work for a radiostation which is something i've wanted to do for a long time so you're sweet
Primus, always bringin the lulz
Nick, i know lots of people don't like you but you're pretty cool with me and are pretty funny with your fights with Bianca.
Statuatory Ape, you pwn just bout anyone in an argument and bring the epic lulz.
Catz, you smoke the dankest weed out there and have a sick bong
Mike, good forum bro. you also make funny memes
Jacob you usually don't do the new page thing which is good. and when somethings wrong you get down to business
Sars, when i heard you, you sounded ghetto...in a good way.
Bianca, we used to be friends so you got something in there.
Dayna, you're just plain hot, and you don't put up with bullshit drama.
Wine you're the most like me on this forum and we agree on most things
Alex you're a player and make a pretty cool Portuguese dude
Distance you're really hot. you're going out with that one dude with the gnome pic right? he's lucky
Brian you are the most thrash person i know. almost as much as dorstein. also you're are fucking sick for you're age.
Will i know i make fun of you but i don't mean it most of the time. you're just too easy ya know? bro?
Erik, gotta say that you really have matured. gotta give you props for that
Jobe you're fucking funny when you come around here. always spreading you're philosophy
Andy, always bringing in random banter when there's E-fights and you're the coolest guy i know that listens to core music
Jorm, you're just plain awesome man. A drummer and you're big into all the obscure bands. also i never guessed you were 16? i think that's how old you are
Chuck Funny dude man and you share some of my musical taste. also that baby you hang with is a bawse
Ed, you are the most metal black guy i know and you beat some ass with those fighting skills you talk about
Marc you're like a videogame connoisseur. it's fucking awesome
Stratophony, you're truly kvlt and no one is as kvlt as you. also you post fitting and hilarious youtube vids
Dawn, you forgot me on your list<_> but that's ok you're an awesome black metal chica
Rammstein....you can bust out some bumpin rhymes
Primal and Laurjohn, you two are the most mature guys on here. always regulating and just keeping in check. you guys are awesome
Santana, you have alot of stupid moments but what would we do without ya. also i don't care if your girlfriend has small eyes
Vanilla's moderators, you guys truly made this place home again. You guys are the best.
Berto, you're just plain chill. you don't care if people don't like your music.
Chewie. You post amazing vocal covers(lol) and post lots of cool movie info.
Arlo, you listen to some pretty bad music but you don't shove it down peoples throat so your awesome like that
Will's friend, you are pretty cute and listen to Gojira so you're cool with me.
Adam(Maf_aka_adam) you are spot on with those album leaks ive gotten countless albums from yooz. thanks man
Travis_Bickle i have no idea who you are but i like when you add in your 2 cents
Nolametal, you're a huge dick but are funny about it. and i'm a dick too so you're pretty chill
Psicosis, you are fucked in the head but you're one awesome grind loving motherfucker
Britt, you are big into the Melodeath scene and you work for a radiostation which is something i've wanted to do for a long time so you're sweet
Primus, always bringin the lulz
Nick, i know lots of people don't like you but you're pretty cool with me and are pretty funny with your fights with Bianca.
Statuatory Ape, you pwn just bout anyone in an argument and bring the epic lulz.
Catz, you smoke the dankest weed out there and have a sick bong
Just kidding you all suck.
I forgot about that dude, he had some of the awesomest party pics
if you want me to say my honest opinion of you, just ask.
Aww I'm touched.
Thanks man.
I love you more then life itself...
But you're all fucking mad"