from wiki The drums are usually simple with several cymbals and snare on the third beat. The cymbals are usually a china or fast crash with quarter notes or more common, eighth notes. Also common is the use of crash cymbals with quarter notes, or even half notes, to give the music a very heavy, slow feel. The drummer usually follows the rhythm of the guitar on the kick drum. In metal, the guitars play a set of rhythmically oriented riffs, usually on open strings so as to achieve the lowest and heaviest sound for which the guitars are tuned, so the dancers in the audience can respond effectively. Sometimes, these are contrasted with either dissonant chords, such as minor 2nd intervals, tritones (flatted 5ths), or pinch harmonics.
Music feels like it slows down, usually to half the original speed. "Heavy" guitar riffs. Bass drum rhythms usually follow the guitar rhythms. Sometimes there's a phrase repeated for people to sing along to.
me neither. People always say look for chug chug but i don't hear chug chug
The drums are usually simple with several cymbals and snare on the third beat. The cymbals are usually a china or fast crash with quarter notes or more common, eighth notes. Also common is the use of crash cymbals with quarter notes, or even half notes, to give the music a very heavy, slow feel. The drummer usually follows the rhythm of the guitar on the kick drum. In metal, the guitars play a set of rhythmically oriented riffs, usually on open strings so as to achieve the lowest and heaviest sound for which the guitars are tuned, so the dancers in the audience can respond effectively. Sometimes, these are contrasted with either dissonant chords, such as minor 2nd intervals, tritones (flatted 5ths), or pinch harmonics.
1:17 in
i figured that out awhile ago just never heard the chug. i can tell when a breakdown comes
"Heavy" guitar riffs.
Bass drum rhythms usually follow the guitar rhythms.
Sometimes there's a phrase repeated for people to sing along to.
Lol, jk.
break it down!
The entire part beginning around 3:10
Nice one, pal.
i was going to post the same one. lol
6:27 (hey its technically a breakdown)