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Detroit Michigan Mayhem.



  • drewvichdrewvich Posts: 1,148
    edited August 2010
    i dont think you got myn >.<...wHYYYYYy
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    edited August 2010
    I am aware that my review is waaaaay late. But here ya go.

    The morning started off just as I have come to expect it to every year: Wake up early, pack the cooler, and wait for everyone to show up. We ended up leaving around 9 AM, which is about the time we wanted to leave. We drove for a little while and geared up at a grocery store before continuing. After some more driving, which really didnt feel that long, we arrived at the DTE. On the way down, people had been honking and flashing the horns at us, because we had written band names on our van windows, and on the back I wrote "Mayhem Fest 2010: 3 year veteran." On the way in, we were pulling into the lot, and I looked over, and I saw Chavey sitting in his car, but I would have to wait to go see him. We pulled into a spot that was close to the DTE, and for the next little while, we hung around, drinking, eating, and smoking hookah, which got us in a bit of trouble with security because they thought it was a bong at first. I went over to where Chavey was and talked to him for a little bit, and then after a while, we all got in line.

    I decided to join Mikey further up the line, where I also met Drew, Dayna, Brad, and the rest of the Michigan forum crew, although I wouldnt see Jay and Ed until later in the day. Even after I got in, I still had to wait for the people I came with. While I was waiting, I got my tour shirt, and then I realized that Norma Jean was playing, and while I knew I wasnt gonna watch them today, I knew it was bad news for my friend, who wanted to see them. After getting everybody together, we went down to the stages, where I noticed the Rockstar Tent had been moved to a new area this year. I stood in line to pre-order the new Murderdolls album so I could meet Joey Jordison and Wednesday 13. While I was standing in line, Tension Head, a band that's fairly big around where I live, was playing. Not that I really paid them any attention. The last song they played was rather annoying. After getting my wristband, the day REALLY began.

    Winds of Plague - One of the few deathcore bands I like, I thought this was a good way to start off the day. During their set, I kept getting pushed forward, until I ended up right behind Chavey and Mikey. Chavey's friend was like, "How the fuck did you get up here?" and I was like, "I dont know!!!" Winds of Plague performed all right, and I thought that they had a good set. They had a Wall of Death going, which was WAY better than the wall of death I was expecting Lamb of God to have. 6/10

    Shadows Fall - I didnt really watch these guys, because I was in line to meet Joey Jordison, but the parts I was paying attention to, I thought they sounded good. I'm just glad I got to meet Joey and Wednesday 13.

    3 Inches of Blood - I originally thought that I was going to have to miss this band for the signing, but the order of the bands being changed had worked in my favor. I got a good spot to see them on the rail, and I got some good shots of Cam Pipes. They performed extremely well, and I went insane when they played "Deadly Sinners" and "Night Marauders." 8/10

    Chimaira - I wasnt really paying much attention to them, because I was using the time to find my friends. But once I did, we watched them from a distance, and I thought that they sounded great. 8/10

    Atreyu - I needed a way to kill time, so I decided to just go with my friends to see Atreyu until they played "Becoming The Bull", which, luckily for me, was the second song they played. About halfway through the song, I ran through the mosh pit, and then had this 7-foot guy who I was moshing with send me crowdsurfing out of there so I could go and get a good spot for Hatebreed. 3/10

    Hatebreed: One of the bands I was most looking forward of the day, I made a good decision in getting a spot early. Me and one of my friends kept trying to get as close to the front as possible, but it didnt matter because we got seperated anyway. Right before Hatebreed started, I noticed that I was right behind Brad and Dayna and a few others. Brad pulled me through a few people up closer just as the National Anthem started playing. I had seen hatebreed once before at the orbit room in grand rapids, and I knew that the show would be intense, but I knew we were all in for it because this was on a much grander scale here at Mayhem, and obviously so, because the crowd that had built up behind us was HUGE. Right after the national anthem ended, Jamey Jasta and the rest of Hatebreed came out and opened up with "Everyone Bleeds Now". Almost immediately after the first note was played, the entire crowd surged forward and crushed us forward. Many times through the set, I found it hard to breath because I was squished between all these people. My arms were always wrapped around somebody, or hiked high in the air, because there was no other way I could have them. Moving my arms was next to impossible, and for a while I was hanging onto Brad just to be able to keep myself up, otherwise I would be sucked into the insane crowd behind us. Dayna and the other girl actually jumped ship early. Many times through the set, the security guys jumped water bottles into whoever needed em, and if they held it above you, they would make sure you got a drink. The intensity of the crowd, for me at least, was almost overwhelming. All through the set, I had to keep myself bent at a weird angle so when the set was over, I ached horribly. If this doesnt tell you how intense the crowd was, then nothing will. You simply HAD to have been there to understand it. About halfway through the set, for the first time in my life, I saw Ed when Brad pointed him out to me. Shortly after, Brad vanished into the void, never to be heard from again, at least not until after the set was over. But enough of the crowd.

    Hatebreed put on an amazing show the last time I saw them, so my expectations were high, and Hatebreed did not disappoint in the least. Everything about the set was spot on, from the performance to the stage precense, to the songs that they played...EVERYTHING was perfect. Just like at the last Hatebreed concert, I was screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs, and a few times, me and some other Hatebreed fans were screaming them at each other, which I find enjoyable at ANY metal concert. The only difference this time is most of the time I was struggling to breath or keep my arms from being bent backwards and broken. But EVERY MINUTE OF IT WAS AWESOME. After the set, it felt like a gigantic weight had been taken off of me, and rightfully so. Easily one of the best bands of the day. 10/10.

    In This Moment / Mayhem Crew Meetup: After Hatebreed, I was exausted, sweaty, hot, breathless, and completely in awe of the performance I just saw. at this time I went over to the rockstar tent, where I met up with Mikey and Dayna an everybody, and also, for the first time that day, Jaycup Lawlymeiher and, for the first time in ever, Ed. This was a much better meetup then last year, mostly since I stuck around for much longer than 5 minutes. Since I was hot and thirsty, I grabbed a yellow rockstar and chugged it, but in the process, spilled it all over the place. Since I was now soaked with rockstar, not to mention unpredictable and pumped, I impulsively grabbed another can and yelled at Mikey to hand me another one, and I took a Rockstar Shower, which only got me a futrther soaked shirt and a couple Jayfaces and one high five. If memory serves, Ed also added to my shower when he dumped a can on me. This was where we started to get confused: Drew had to go take a piss, so we all split up into two groups. One would stay and wait for Drew, and the others would go to the hill. I went with Brad, Jay, and Dayna to the hill to wait. All the while, In This Moment was playing. I was barely paying attention, but they sounded all right. I was preoccupied with more important matters. After much confusion, we finally got our forum picture taken, which I was present for this year, and then I split to meet up with my own people for Five Finger Death Punch.

    Five Finger Death Punch: I saw FFDP at Mayhem the first year, and I thought their performance was great. Also, I, unlike most of my friends, do like FFDP. I like the old stuff better, but still. Their performance wasnt any better or worse than I expected, bUT I was happy that they werent plagued with the issues that the band in the 4th main stage slot usually gets every year. They sounded good and were entertaining. 7/10

    Lamb of God: After taking a water break, I joined the forumers up on the hill for Lamb of God. Unfortunately for me, I was too late to see Lawlymeihers Iron Maiden cover. But that said, Lamb of God was another band I was looking forward to most of all. They opened up with "The Passing" and led into "In Your Words", and "Set To Fail", and "Walk With Me In Hell". I would have been able to enjoy it more had I not constantly been trying to keep my balance on the hill, because the pit behind us kept knocking me and several other people off balance, and quite a few times making them fall down the hill like dominoes. I eventually bailed so I would be able to pay better attention to the show. Lamb of god performed good, but thats where the problem is: They were GOOD. I was expecting a spectacular show that would blow me away, but, I'm sad to say, I didnt really think they were that special. I'm sure if I was seeing them somewhere other then the main stage of the DTE, I would be writing a different opinion, but oh well. Thats NOT to say that they werent enjoyable. They were great live, but there was just something that seemed off. Or maybe I'm just weird. 8/10

    Rob Zombie: Rob Zombie was easily the other best performer of the day. He had a great setlist, he performed well, the stage show, with all of its wild theatrics and everything, made for one hell of a show. The only complaint I have is that he sounded like he had a sore throat or something. B ut other then that, he had did an extremely enjoyable performance, from John 5 smashing his guitar, to the clips of everything from Hentai to House of 1000 Corpses to Frankenstein driving a race car, to the gumball beach balls that dropped when he played "Sick Bubblegum", to Rob Zombie complaining about getting punched, everything was awesome. Yeah, somebody apparantly punched Zombie while he was walkin through the crowd. What the hell? Also, I was a LITTLE disappointed that he didnt play Black Sunshine, but thats quite all right. "Mars Needs Women" has become a bit of a crew song between me and the people who came with me to Mayhem. Apart from Zombie's voice faltering a few times, Zombie was one of the best bands of the day. 9.5/10.

    Korn: Korn was another band I was most looking forward to. Korn had an elaborate stage setup to look like an oil field, obviously to go with "Oildale". I've been a Korn fan for a long time, as they were one of the first heavier bands that I got into. After Zombie, I knew that Korn couldnt top that performance, but it was all right with me, because, after long last, I was finally gonna get to see Korn. After Rob Zombie, yes, Korn was a tad dissapointing, but they were NOT terrible. Some people were telling me that Korn has been sucking the whole tour, and if I remember right, some of my fellow Detroit Mayhemers feel the same way (although I'm not entirely sure), but I think that they did great. I give them a point because Jonathan Davis' vocals sounded spot-on for most of the songs, and I think the highlight of the evening was his bagpipes solo leading into "shoots and ladders". I dont care what anybody says: I think Korn did great, and thats all that matters. It would have been nice to hear the "Another brick in the wall" cover though...... 9/10

    Mayhem 2010 was a success, and again, another great time and the highlight of my summer, as always. Now....Whos ready for next year?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
    LoG is best for an indoor setting....they were amazing the first 2 times i saw them
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    They were alright when they were at Ozzfest. They atleast made our entire lawn a circle pit...I had video of it but it got lost in the process =,(
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
    i was meaning more towards the audio...but yeah that two...the main reason i hate dte
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    Rex, you suck. <_>

    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
    Rex, you suck. <_>

    quit projecting jay
  • drewvichdrewvich Posts: 1,148
    anyone remember these?

  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    anyone remember these?

    We had those in high school.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
  • drewvichdrewvich Posts: 1,148
    damn dude I havent seen one since...freshmen year I'm going to say...maybe sophmore...then we went to elmos or some other crazy thing
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    anyone remember these?

    We had those in high school.
  • drewvichdrewvich Posts: 1,148
    edited August 2010
    prepare for the epic fail that is my Alma matter... or however you spell that

    they like to dance and lsiten to lots of rap...>.<
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    U of M has them too...
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
    i got challenged to a dance off tale gating at the michigan game i went to last year....this group of black people next to use had there music bumping and there chicks were dancing...and i started to join in and bust a move....and this black chick was like "you wanna go"? and i said no cause i was still kinda sober :(....should have went for it
  • drewvichdrewvich Posts: 1,148
    DWS is a crime that I do not commit

    (dancing while sober)
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